Category: Accent Modification

Accent Modification – Flap T

Accent Modification – Flap T The flapped T in English sounds like an r sound in many languages. For example, the letter r in the Spanish word ‘caro’, which means ‘expensive’, is pronounced with an alveolar flap . The alveolar flap is the same sound as the flapped T.  The alveolar flap exists in many languages including …

Accent Modification Video: /eɪ/ sound in stressed syllables

In this two-minute video, David stresses the first syllable of two-syllable nouns, and stresses the second syllable of two-syllable verbs. All of the following words contain the /eɪ/ sound: chaos, nature, ancient, razor, nasal, decay, convey, delay, complain, debate. For more videos on pronunciation, please go to my YouTube channel called Pronunciation Practice with David. …