Accent Modification – Flap T

Accent Modification – Flap T

The flapped T in English sounds like an r sound in many languages. For example, the letter r in the Spanish word ‘caro’, which means ‘expensive’, is pronounced with an alveolar flap [ ɾ ]. The alveolar flap [ ɾ ] is the same sound as the flapped T.  The alveolar flap [ ɾ ] exists in many languages including Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and many others. Please note that the alveolar flap [ ɾ ] is not related to the English /r/ sound. 

Watch the video below for expert tips on how to pronounce the flap T and when to use it.

For more information on our accent modification course, please go to the homepage and choose ‘Programs’ and then select ‘Accent Modification’.

Accent Modification - Flap T